Friday, October 24, 2008

palladian countryside.

The following is actually about love, or more specifically, Cupid (or Eros), but I felt it fitting for the subject of the photo.

Sonnet I

Ancient, winged god, thou who didst first draw breath
With sun and stars together at one birth,
Thou who to all things givest life and death,
Flying by devious pathways through the earth,
My heart which languish thee in bitter pain,
Seeking for thorny and malignant grief
A thousand remedies, but all in vain,
In thee, O Time, alone findeth relief
Thought thou uprootest, with forgetfulness
Healest our wounds, and lastly dost dispel
The mists which have these royal cloisters sealed;
Truth in her pure, unveilèd loveliness
Thou hast uplifted even from the well
Where she lay hid, and to all eyes revealed.

Torquato Tasso, 1544-1595
(Palladio and Tasso were contemporaries)

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