Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I definitely knew the Alhambra was going to wow the socks off me (although I wasn't prepared for the numerous tourists), but the Mezquita's beauty was a delightful surprise. The complex was truly magical and my favorite part of the trip. The Mezquita was once a huge mosque, then turned to Christian hands. Rather than tear the complex down, the Christians decided to insert a cathedral into the plan (16th cen).


forest of columns of the mosque

beautiful double arches

side chapel incorporating original columns

cathedral high altar

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Nasrid Palace

From the numerous details to the way the complex deals with water, this place was amazing. Although I had to elbow hundreds (thousands?) of Spanish tourists to capture these photos.

Friday, December 19, 2008

alcázares reales de sevilla.

I can tell I'm my father's (okay, and mother's) child for the love of all things green. May I present the Alcázares Reales de Sevilla, or at least the garden.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

sevilla cathedral.

entrance to the Cathedral

entrance to the Cabildo (Chapter House) - I think...

I was so excited to go to Andalucía and actually see some art and architecture that wasn't overly Classical in nature. Yet somehow one of the most compelling (or so I think) photos of mine is of the ONE Renaissance addition to the otherwise Gothic Cathedral of Sevilla. I could go into an explanation for this, but it'll probably just bore the socks off of you. Regardless, the architecture, art and ornament found throughout Andalucía is pretty spectacular, even if the photos I took do not record it fully. All of it, whether Moorish or Gothic, drips with detail and ornament, and is less severe than its northern Gothic brethren in France and Germany.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ciao roma.

All quiet on the western front here - I was in the midst of finals. However, come tomorrow I'll be in Spain (Andalucía specifically) and I'll overwhelm you with more photos... stay tuned.